We Turn Training Into Strategy

We are not your ordinary corporate trainers. We put every individual in the company in the driver’s seat of their own problems. We teach them how to identify use cases, strategize solutions, and build their own AI powered applications.

Our Why

Because we believe that the applications of Generative AI are as infinite as the diverse workforce in every corner of your organization.

Solve the Problem In Front of You

Many companies focus on solving the big problems with generative AI, only to find that they spend a lot of time talking, organizing and preparing to take action only to find that the real value was right in front of them the whole time - in the hands of their own employees.

We take a federated approach, putting the technology available today in the hands of the people doing the work. They know the use cases - they have problems that have never been solved, and now not only do they have solutions: they can build these solutions themselves using the greatest human skill: communication.

With Our 7-Step Framework

  • We work with companies to provide a universal training for anyone, regardless of their AI skill level, to participate across the organization.

  • We pick a technology to train that provides a safe and secure environment to test and use their own proprietary data. We focus on multimodal capabilities, team collaboration, and privacy. We are very clear on what kind of data should NOT be uploaded an how to anonymize ad synthesize data for training purposes.

  • We ensure everyone receives a strong foundational training: What is the technology capable of doing; What does it have the potential to do, but struggles today; What can or should it NOT do, ever.

  • We teach individuals a methodology for finding their own use cases: What problems do they have that they have always wanted to solve but couldn’t?

  • We provide skills to be a product developer, a framework for going from idea to product—marrying the capabilities, the data, and the solution.

  • There is nothing more empowering than giving individuals the tools to develop their ow solutions using their own capabilities.

  • One of the biggest challenges with generative AI is the unpredictability o users—this is what leads even the biggest players to develop inadequate solutions. While the building process may be short, the testing process should be long. We encourage sharing of solutions, gathering peer feedback, and iterating.

Once employees have experienced the technology and used it to solve their own problems, the enterprise use cases become obvious. The process of going from individual applications to team, enterprise, ecosystem, and customer-facing applications is organic.

And now, not only are these individuals equipped to identify the use cases—they’re in a position to build their own prototypes—taking themselves through the product roadmap and building a demo that can be scaled up.

So where does this leave technologists? Ten steps ahead.

Now, rather than handing developers a laundry list of problems to be solved, we are handing them an intelligent prototype to be scaled.

Then Watch The Magic Begin

Gen AI Workshops

10 Hours

Session 1: Foundations in Gen AI

Introduce leaders to the landscape of Gen AI, including technical and ethical considerations, and equip them with technical skills and tools.

Session 2: Strategic Deployment

Identify practical use cases using the Seven Step Framework for solving business problems, aligning capabilities with solutions.

Build prototype solutions and identify the key attributes in scaling enterprise solutions and creating a culture of adoption, using business case studies.

Session 3: Leading Transformation

Session 4: Future Trends

Test and iterate solutions in a team environment, with an eye towards future trends and opportunities.

Learning Outcomes

Every student will complete this program with a foundational understanding of generative AI capabilities, hands-on experience building solutions to everyday business problems, and prepared to be an active member of the organization in identifying use cases, building prototypes, and scaling solutions within a culture of continuous improvement.

Course Delivery & Support

A Flexible Approach

Each series is 8 hours and is delivered in 4 virtual sessions with 30 minute weekly exercises to be completed independently.

Pricing: Contact us to discuss

Session Recording

All sessions are recorded and will be delivered to participants for review.


Each session comes with a glossary of terms, additional readings and/or videos and practice exercises.

Certificate of Completion

Every student that completes the 10-hour course will receive a certificate of completion.

Contact us.


Battery Park City
New York, NY 10280